Put the script in the directory you want to share and start it.
Every PC on the your LAN can browse and read or download files shared on you public ip on the 8080 port using a browser like Firefox or Chrome or IE (with every browser works!).
Using a browser you'll obtain this:
Here the source that I slightly modified: (and translated comments from Polish)
Title: "Obscure File Server"
Purpose: "Share files over HTTP protocol +NLS"
Author: "pijoter" ;+ Massimiliano Vessi
Date: 2-Sep-2009/21:04:51+2:00
File: %fileserver.r
Log: %fileserver.log
Home: http://rowery.olsztyn.pl/rebol
License: "GNU General Public License (Version II)"
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [tool]
domain: [file-handling web tcp other-net]
tested-under: [
view 2.7.6 on [Linux WinXP]
support: none
license: 'GPL
Tabs: 3
version: 2.0.0
dt: context [
to-human: func [dt [date!] /date /time /local pad d t s] [
pad: func [val n] [head insert/dup val: form val #"0" (n - length? val)]
dt: rejoin [
(pad dt/year 4) #"-" (pad dt/month 2) #"-" (pad dt/day 2)
#"/" to-itime any [dt/time 0:00]
any [
if date [copy/part dt 10]
if time [copy/part (skip dt 11) 8]
to-stamp: func [dt [date!] /date] [
dt: any [
if date [self/to-human/date dt]
self/to-human dt
remove-each ch dt [found? find "-/:" ch]
to-gmt: func [date [date!]] [
any [
zero? date/zone
attempt [
date: date - date/zone
date/zone: 0:00
log: context [
FILE: any [attempt [system/script/header/log] %fileserver.log]
emit: func [info] [
if block? info [info: reduce info]
attempt [write/append/lines self/FILE reform [(dt/to-stamp now) (form info)]]
fs: context [
DENY-DOT: true
;; directory systems SCM
%.git/ %.cvs/ %.svn/
DENY-FILE: reduce [
;; file server and logs
any [attempt [system/script/header/file] %fileserver.r]
any [attempt [system/script/header/log] log/FILE]
SORT-METHOD: 'name ;; 'date 'name 'size
paths: make hash! 256
deny-file?: func [file [file!] /local rc] [
rc: any [
found? find self/DENY-FILE file
if self/DENY-DOT [self/is-dot? file]
net-utils/net-log ["fs/deny-file?" file "deny?" (to-logic rc)]
return rc
deny-dir?: func [dir [file!] /local rc] [
rc: any [
found? find self/DENY-DIR dir
if self/DENY-DOT [self/is-dot? dir]
net-utils/net-log ["fs/deny-dir?" (dir) "deny?" (to-logic rc)]
return rc
deny-subdir?: :deny-dir?
to-dir: func [target [string! file!]] [dirize to-file target]
is-dir?: func [target [string! file!]] [#"/" = last target]
is-file?: func [target [string! file!]] [not self/is-dir? target]
is-dot?: func [target [string! file!]] [#"." = first target]
make-id: func [path [string! file!]] [enbase/base (checksum/method (form path) 'MD5) 16]
is-id?: func [id [string!]] [equal? 32 (length? id)]
update-paths: func [dir [string! file!]
/local hash dir-content bag item info dirs files path] [
dir: clean-path (self/to-dir dir)
hash: make hash! 64
any [
dir-content: attempt [sort read dir]
return hash ;;blank map files
if found? find [date size] self/SORT-METHOD [
attempt [
bag: make block! (2 * length? dir-content)
foreach item dir-content [
info: info? dir/:item
repend bag [(get in info self/SORT-METHOD) item]
sort/skip/reverse bag 2
clear dir-content
foreach [value item] bag [append dir-content item]
unset 'bag
;; sort files and directories separately
dirs: remove-each target (copy dir-content) [
any [
self/is-file? target
self/deny-dir? target
files: remove-each target dir-content [
any [
self/is-dir? target
self/deny-file? target
foreach item (union dirs files) [
path: dir/:item
repend hash [(self/make-id path) path]
;; net-utils/net-log ["fs/update-paths" "item" (item) "is-dir?" (is-dir? target)]
;; TODO: do not modify the list of global catalog for each overcharge
self/paths: union/skip self/paths hash 2
return hash
local-path: func [id [string! none!]] [select self/paths id]
mime-map: [
%.html "text/html"
%.htm "text/html"
%.png "image/png"
%.jpg "image/jpeg"
%.gif "image/gif"
%.txt "text/plain"
%.lha "application/octet-stream"
%.mp3 "audio/mp3"
%.rar "application/x-rar-compressed"
%.rtf "application/rtf"
%.zip "application/x-zip-compressed"
%.r "text/plain"
%.reb "text/plain"
%.pl "text/plain"
%.php "text/plain"
%.py "text/plain"
%.jsp "text/plain"
%.js "text/plain"
%.css "text/plain"
mime?: func [path [string! file!]] [
any [
attempt [select self/mime-map (suffix? to-file path)]
net: context [
;; DENY-IP: []
ALLOW-IP: [;; trusted hosts ]
BUFFER-SIZE: 1024 * 1024 * 1 ; 1M
mime: none
status: none
response: [
200 "OK" "Everything is just fine"
400 "Bad Request" "Malformed request:"
401 "Unauthorized" "No permission to access:"
403 "Forbidden" "No permission to access:"
404 "Not Found" "Resource was not found:"
410 "Gone" "Resource is no longer available:"
server-ip: has [ip port interfaces ifc] [
ip: make block! 5
append ip []
attempt [
port: open tcp://
interfaces: get-modes port 'interfaces
foreach ifc interfaces [append ip get in ifc 'addr]
close port
if not empty? self/DENY-IP [self/ALLOW-IP: union self/ALLOW-IP ip]
sort unique ip
server-url: does [rejoin [http:// (first self/server-ip) ":" (self/SERVER-PORT)]]
server-dir: does [what-dir]
server-path: func [path [file!]] [find/tail (form path) (head remove back tail (form self/server-dir))]
url?: func [port [port!]] [rejoin ["http://" (port/local-ip) ":" (port/local-port)]]
deny-ip?: func [ip] [
if any [
empty? self/DENY-IP
found? find self/ALLOW-IP ip
] [return false]
to-logic any [
found? find self/DENY-IP ip
found? find self/DENY-IP
found? find self/DENY-IP 'all
send-header: func [port [port!] mime [string!]
/with custom-header [string!]
/error err-num [integer!]
/local header status] [
attempt [
self/status: status: any [(if error [err-num]) 200]
self/mime: mime
header: rejoin [
"HTTP/1.1 " (status) " " (select self/response status) CRLF
"Content-Type: " (mime) "; charset=" (content/encoding) CRLF
"Content-Language: " (content/language) CRLF
"Expires: " (to-idate now) CRLF
"Date: " (to-idate now) CRLF
"Connection: close" CRLF
if with [append header custom-header]
append header CRLF
net-utils/net-log ["net/send-header" "size" (length? header) "header" (header)]
write-io port header (length? header)
send-page: func [port [port!] buffer [string! binary!]
/error err-num [integer!]
/local mime] [
mime: "text/html"
all [
any [
if error [self/send-header/error port mime err-num]
self/send-header port mime
write-io port buffer (length? buffer)
send-error: func [port [port!] err-num [integer!] message [string! binary!]
/local err body] [
err: any [
attempt [find self/response err-num]
body: rejoin [""
<html> LF
<head> LF
<title> (second err) </title> LF
<basefont face="tahoma,arial"/> LF
</head> LF
<h2> "SERVER-ERROR" </h2> LF
<p> (third err) " " (to-string message) <br/> (to-idate now) </p> LF
self/send-page/error port body err-num
send-file: func [port [port!] path [string! file!]
/local dir file mime size disposition fh buffer part bytes] [
set [dir file] split-path path
size: size? path
mime: fs/mime? file
disposition: rejoin [
"Content-Disposition: inline; filename=" {"} (form file) {"; size="} (size) {"} CRLF
"Content-Length: " (size) CRLF
net-utils/net-log ["net/send-file" (path) "size" (size) "mime" (mime)]
all [
self/send-header/with port mime disposition
attempt [
fh: open/binary/direct/read path
buffer: make binary! self/BUFFER-SIZE
part: 0
forever [
bytes: read-io fh buffer self/BUFFER-SIZE
if zero? bytes [break]
part: part + 1
net-utils/net-log ["net/send-file" (file) "part" (part) "bytes" (bytes)]
write-io port buffer bytes
clear buffer
close fh
unset 'buffer
get-id: func [port [port!]
/local buffer space chars resource valid?] [
buffer: copy port
space: [some { }]
chars: complement charset { }
resource: make string! 40
valid?: to-logic all [
parse/all buffer ["GET" space "/" [opt [copy resource some chars]] space "HTTP" to end]
not empty? resource
net-utils/net-log ["net/get-id" "id" (resource) "valid?" (valid?) "buffer" (to-string buffer)]
if valid? [resource]
content: context [
language: "pl,en"
encoding: any [
select [3 "windows-1250" 4 "utf-8"] fourth system/version
make-index: func [dir [string! file!]
/local output prev-path prev-dir id path target item f l s] [
output: make string! 1024
;; View "parent-dir" only when we are not in the main directory
if not equal? dir net/server-dir [
set [prev-path prev-dir] (split-path dir)
id: fs/make-id prev-path
append output rejoin [{<li><a href="} (id) {">..</a> :: (<a href="} (id) {">parent dir</a>)</li>} LF]
foreach [id path] (fs/update-paths dir) [
target: second (split-path path)
item: any [
attempt [
f: info? path
;;File size in human format
l: length? (to-string f/size)
s: any [
if l < 4 [join form f/size "B"]
if l < 7 [join form (round/to (f/size / 1024) 0.01) "K"]
if l < 10 [join form (round/to (f/size / 1048576) 0.01) "M"]
join form (round/to (f/size / 1073741824) 0.01) "G"
select [
file [{<li><a href="} (id) {">} (target) {</a> :: } (s) {</li>} LF]
directory [{<li><a href="} (id) {">} (target) {</a> :: (dir)</li>} LF]
] f/type
[{<li><a href="} (id) {">} (target) {</a></li>} LF]
append output (rejoin item)
path: net/server-path dir
rejoin [""
<html> LF
<head> LF
<title> "FileServer" </title> LF
{<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=} (self/encoding) {"/>} LF
{<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="} (self/language) {"/>} LF
{<meta name="generator" content="} (system/script/header/title) {"/>} LF
{<meta name="author" content="} (system/script/header/author) {"/>} LF
<basefont face="tahoma,arial"/> LF
</head> LF
<body> LF
<h2> {Index :: } (path) </h2> LF
<ul> LF (trim output) </ul> LF
<font size="-2"> LF
{Any inaccuracies in this index may be explained by the fact that it has been prepared with the help of a computer.} <br/> LF
{Page generated by <a href="http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/view-script.r?script=fileserver.r">REBOL FileServer</a> :: }
(form to-idate now) LF
</font> LF
</body> LF
</html> LF
handle: func [port [port!]
/local start id resource-id path resource-path dir target bytes err-num stop t] [
start: now/precise
;;retrieve the local path on the basis of ID from the URI
;; if ID exists but does not match the file (no entry in fs / paths or the file is missing) to generate a 404 error
any [
if id: net/get-id port [path: any [(fs/local-path id) (net/server-dir)]]
id: fs/make-id (path: net/server-dir)
either (id = fs/make-id path) [
;; keep copies of the access path to the file and the generated id
;; the original may be modified by append file name
resource-path: path
resource-id: id
if dir? path [
;; index file for the virtual directories containing
;; created a list of content (subdirectories and files)
path: rejoin [path "index.html"]
id: fs/make-id path
set [dir target] (split-path path)
bytes: any [
;; check access restrictions
if (net/deny-ip? port/host) [net/send-error port 401 (net/url? port)]
if (fs/deny-subdir? (second split-path dir)) [net/send-error port 410 resource-id]
if (fs/deny-file? target) [net/send-error port 410 resource-id]
;;generate index only when the original path does not include the file name (appended "index.html")
if all [(fs/is-dir? resource-path) (equal? (form target) "index.html")] [net/send-page port (self/make-index dir)]
;; if possible send a file
if not exists? path [net/send-error port 404 resource-id]
net/send-file port path
if zero? bytes [bytes: self/send-error port 404 resource-id]
;;if you can not assign the path to the CRC (because there is no entry in fs / file-map or no CRC) Use an empty string. In the absence of CRC checksum will be generated for resource-path variable
resource-path: {}
resource-id: any [id (fs/make-id resource-path)]
err-num: any [if (fs/is-id? resource-id) [404] 400]
bytes: net/send-error port err-num resource-id
stop: now/precise
;; log position relative to the shared folder
resource-path: any [
if all [resource-path (not empty? resource-path)] [net/server-path resource-path]
log/emit [
rejoin [{"} resource-path {"}]
t: to-decimal (difference stop start)
net-utils/net-log ["content/handle" "bytes" (bytes) "time" t "speed" (round/to (bytes / t) / 1024 0.01) "KB/sec"]
net-watch: false
system/options/quiet: true
my-name: read dns://
my-ip: read join dns:// my-name
either view? [
;; rebol/view
view/new gui: layout [
h1 "Server Running"
text "Your PC name is:"
text bold my-name
text"Your public IP to share is:"
text bold (rejoin ["http://" my-ip ":8080"])
;text to-string net/server-url
patr: text 200 "Pages transmitted: 0"
bytr: text 200 "Bytes transmitted: 0.0M"
btn "Browse server" [browse net/server-url]
btn "Show directory" [browse net/server-dir] return
do [
insert-event-func [
if equal? event/type 'close [attempt [(close client) (close server)] quit]
show gui
;; rebol/core
unprotect 'alert
alert: func [message] [print message ask "press-enter^/"]
any [
foreach ip net/server-ip [print rejoin [{Server URL: } "http://" ip ":" net/SERVER-PORT]]
any [
server: attempt [open/binary/direct/no-wait rejoin [tcp://: net/SERVER-PORT]]
do [
message: rejoin [
{Looks like a Web Server is already running on your computer (port } net/SERVER-PORT {).}
{Turn it off first, then try again.}
alert message
pages: 0
bytes: 0.0
forever [
wait server
wait client: first server
if error? err: try [size: content/handle client] [
print disarm err
alert "an unexpected error occurred!"
if view? [
pages: pages + 1
bytes: bytes + size
patr/text: join "Pages transmitted: " pages
bytr/text: rejoin ["Bytes transmitted: " round/to (bytes / 1048576) 0.01 "M"]
show [patr bytr]
close client
It generates also a file log called fileserver.log. You can use this script also with Rebol/Core (no graphic).
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