It's very useful to test your script, since pushing CTRL+E you test your script.
However i's missing a very important feature: the undo!
Mr. Romano Paolo Tenca filled this gap, his original script is here.
The following code alter the standard editor, adding the undo function. First of all the script create the undo function, the substitute the the key shortcut with the the same plus the undo. Let's see the script:
Rebol []
undo: make object! bind bind [; the double bind to use this object just in system/view and in ctx-text, see the end of the script
undo-max: 1000 ; numebr of undo, none = unlimited
undo-add: func [face] [
if all [in face 'undo not flag-face? face hide][
insert clear face/undo at copy face/text index? caret
if all [undo-max undo-max < length? head face/undo] [remove head face/undo]
face/undo: tail face/undo
undo-get: func [face] [
face/text: head caret: first face/undo
face/line-list: none
remove face/undo
face/dirty?: true
insert tail keymap [
#"^z" undo
#"^y" redo
#"^u" undo-all
;for esc
set 'hilight-all func [face /only ] [
either empty? face/text [unlight-text][
highlight-start: head face/text
highlight-end: tail face/text
if all [not only in face 'esc][face/esc: copy face/text]
move: func [event ctrl plain] [
either event/shift [any [highlight-start highlight-start: caret]][unlight-text]
caret: either event/control ctrl plain
if event/shift [either caret = highlight-start [unlight-text][highlight-end: caret]]
move-y: func [face delta /local pos tmp tmp2][
tmp: offset-to-caret face delta + pos: caret-to-offset face caret
tmp2: caret-to-offset face tmp
either tmp2/y <> pos/y [tmp][caret]
set 'edit-text func [
face event action
/local key liney swap-text tmp tmp2 page-up page-down face-size
] [
face-size: face/size - either face/edge [2 * face/edge/size][0]
key: event/key
if flag-face? face hide swap-text: [
tmp: face/text face/text: face/data face/data: tmp
caret: either error? try [index? caret][tail face/text][at face/text index? caret]
textinfo face line-info 0
liney: line-info/size/y
if char? key [
either find keys-to-insert key [
undo-add face
insert-char face key
][key: select keymap key]
if word? key [
page-up: [move-y face face-size - liney - liney * 0x-1]
page-down: [move-y face face-size - liney * 0x1]
do select [
left [move event [back-word caret][back caret]]
right [move event [next-word caret][next caret]]
up [move event page-up [move-y face liney * 0x-1]]
down [move event page-down [move-y face liney * 0x1]]
page-up [move event [head caret] page-up]
page-down [move event [tail caret] page-down]
home [move event [head caret][beg-of-line caret]]
end [move event [tail caret][end-of-line caret]]
back-char [
undo-add face
any [
head? caret
either event/control [
tmp: caret
remove/part caret: back-word tmp tmp
][remove caret: back caret]
face/dirty?: true
del-char [
undo-add face
any [
tail? caret
either event/control [remove/part caret next-word caret][remove caret]
face/dirty?: true
enter [
if flag-face? face return [
if flag-face? face hide swap-text
action face face/data
if flag-face? face tabbed [focus next-field face]
undo-add face
insert-char face newline
all-text [hilight-all/only face]
copy-text [copy-text face unlight-text]
cut-text [
undo-add face
copy-selected-text face
face/dirty?: true
paste-text [
undo-add face
face/line-list: none
face/dirty?: true
caret: insert caret read clipboard://
clear-tail [
undo-add face
remove/part caret end-of-line caret
face/dirty?: true
tab-char [
if flag-face? face tabbed [
either in face 'refocus [
face/refocus event/shift
tmp2: either event/shift [back-field face][next-field face]
if flag-face? face hide swap-text
action face face/data
focus tmp2
undo-add face
insert-char face tab
undo [
if all [in face 'undo not head? face/undo][
insert face/undo at copy face/text index? caret
face/undo: back face/undo
undo-get face
redo [
if all [in face 'undo not tail? face/undo][
face/undo: insert face/undo at copy face/text index? caret
undo-get face
undo-all [
if all [in face 'esc flag-face? face field][
clear face/text
if all [in face 'undo not flag-face? face hide][clear face/undo]
if string? face/esc [insert face/text face/esc]
if flag-face? face hide swap-text
if flag-face? face tabbed [focus next-field face]
] key
if face: focal-face [
if flag-face? face hide [
view*/highlight-start: view*/highlight-end: none
insert/dup clear face/data "*" length? face/text
do swap-text
tmp: caret-to-offset face caret
tmp2: face/para/scroll
if all [tmp/x < 0 tmp2/x < 0] [face/para/scroll/x: tmp2/x - tmp/x]
if all [tmp/y < 0 tmp2/y < 0] [face/para/scroll/y: tmp2/y - tmp/y]
action: face-size - tmp
if action/x < 5 [face/para/scroll/x: tmp2/x + action/x - 5]
if action/y < liney [face/para/scroll/y: tmp2/y + action/y - liney]
show face
] in system/view 'self in ctx-text 'self
;base-effect: []
ctx-edit: mold :ctx-edit
changes: [
{[tabs: 28 origin: 4x4]}
{[tabs: 28 origin: 4x4] with [
undo: []
colors: [254.254.254 255.255.255]
{Ctrl-V - paste text}
{Ctrl-V - paste text^/^-^-Ctrl-Z - undo^/^-^-Ctrl-Y - redo}
foreach [original changed] changes [replace/all ctx-edit original changed]
ctx-edit: do ctx-edit
editor none
I put a do-able version of that (with a few color and aesthetic changes) at
ReplyDeleteJust open the REBOL interpreter and: